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Anti-Margaret Thatcher badge
2011-11-13 16:32:01
Posted Date: 2011-11-13 16:32:01 , By : dannybirchall
Margaret Thatcher, popularly known as 'Maggie' was the first female Prime Minister of the UK, holding office between 1979 and 1990. Her Conservative Party won power from the Labour Party in the 1979 general election, after a 'winter of discontent' involving industrial unrest and power cuts. The Conservative election campaign concentrated on Labour's failure to manage unemployment, with Saatchi & Saatchi's notorious 'Britain isn't working' poster of a job centre queue. The set of economic and social policies that came to be known as Thatcherism, including the restructuring of the industrial economy and the regulation of trade unions, were presented as responses to a country in crisis. This badge, through sarcasm, acknowledges that by many Thatcher and Thatcherism were seen as a 'solution' to Britain's problems.
d first tattoo
2010-05-16 22:47:31
Posted Date: 2010-05-16 22:47:31 , By : dmixo6
Groom Lake #3 Cover
2009-04-10 11:28:46
Posted Date: 2009-04-10 11:28:46 , By : Ben Templesmith
And after a few colour washes, some contrast adjustment and a little airbrush, Groom Lake #3 Cover A is born!
If you didn't know, Groom Lake #2 is still available, just ask your friendly retailer to use this code: MAR094324 to get one in for you. Otherwise it probably isn't going to magically appear on the store shelf for you. Issue #1 has already sold out so make sure you don't miss it!
Issue #3 just became available to order, so tell your retailer APR090874 is the code for the good stuff.
Cheers to everyone who bought and dug the hell out of #1! ( It apparently was quite a lot of you! )
Have just gotten word that a rather famous chap is going to be doing the intro for the eventual collection too.
Categories : Funny Pictures
Tags: AntiMargaret, badge, Thatcher , #AntiMargaret, #Badge, #Thatcher , #FunnyPictures
Site Name : HD Wallpapers | High Quality Images And Videos
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