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Monday, March 25, 2013

Girls in Hot Spring In China

Girls in Hot Spring In China

A few nice bikini girls images I found:

Girls in Hot Spring In China
bikini girls

2007-07-17 15:34:50
Posted Date: 2007-07-17 15:34:50 , By : fedfil
bikini girls
(Why my most view photo is about girls in bikini ?!)

Flirty Girl Operative "Cate" Headsculpt Variants
bikini girls

2013-01-05 22:59:07
Posted Date: 2013-01-05 22:59:07 , By : edwick
bikini girls
Flirty Girl made blonde and black-haired variant headsculpts of Cate. The blonde is on a Phicen medium-bust tan-skin figure (with appropriate colored bikini) while the black-haired sculpt is on a TTL small-busted figure.

You can make out the slightly iridescent pattern in the orange bits of Cate's bodysuit in this photo. It's not easy to photograph, but it's a nice effect on the suit.

Watch how I do this, girls - it's your turn next!
bikini girls

2010-01-14 15:46:18
Posted Date: 2010-01-14 15:46:18 , By : Ed Yourdon
bikini girls
Note: for reasons that make no sense to me at all, this photo was published as an illustration in an undated (Jan 2010) Squidoo blog titled "
Nayantara." It was also published in an undated (Jan 2010) blog titled "Destination Guides: Punta Cana." It was also published as an illustration in an undated (Jan 2010) Squidoo blog titled "The Micro Bikini Swimsuit." And it was published as an illustration in an undated (Jan 2010) Squidoo blog titled "Bikinis and Bikini Contest." It was also published as an illustration in an undated (Feb 2010) Squidoo blog titled "Bikini Abs Makeover." And it was also published as an illustration in an undated (Apr 2010) Squidoo blog titled "Beach Volleyball GIrl." It was also published in a May 20, 2010 blog titled "Crisis mundial no afectó turismo RD."

Moving into 2011, the photo was published in a Jan 25, 2011 blog titled "How To Get Abs Cut." And it was published in an undated (early Mar 2011) Squidoo blog titled "Beach Volleyball Girl." It was also published in a Jul 26, 2011 blog titled "Schöne Volleyball News Photos." And it was also published in an Oct 3, 2011 blog titled "3 offerte per il mare di Santo Domingo in ottobre."


For the past several years, my family has spent a week, in early January, at the Club Med village in Punta Cana, on the southwestern shore of the Dominican Republic. (Our first visit to Club Med was back in 1985, and some photos of last year's trip can be seen here.)

This year's visit coincided with the awful earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti -- about 260 miles away, on the eastern coast of the island of Hispaniola. From what I understand, the fault line went straight west, in our direction, but then cut south at approximately the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In any case, none of the vacationers at Club Med felt even the slightest tremor; we got all of our news of the ensuing events just like everyone else, by watching CNN. But because we expected the capitol city of Santo Domingo to be chaotic and congested with relief efforts, I decided to skip a daylong trip that I had tentatively planned to photograph the churches and markets of what turns out to be the oldest city in the Western hemisphere (settled in 1497 by Christopher Columbus' brother).

In recent years, most of my photographic efforts have focused on the vacationers who fill the beaches and pool -- especially the children, who come from Canada, France, Venezuela, and various other parts of the world besides the United States. So I decided to focus on something else this year, and ... well, you can judge the results for yourself...

Categories : Hot Pix

Tags: China, Girls, Spring , #China, #Girls, #Spring , #HotPix
Site Name : HD Wallpapers | High Quality Images And Videos


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